Jósef mb Pétursson

Welcome to it’s the internet website of estimable and noteworthy poet Jósef mb Pétursson from
 Jósef mb Pétursson importantly stands near saltwater

The Vivid 19

You disgust me
Vile vectors of disease
You roam the plains, bigot-ignorant
Scrabbling away at the good stuff.



is there another—
a lover will i know?
(you never could for me)do you please
—and if so is it
for him?—or’s it for thee?a–my

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the bridestone hangs before the congregation of the bones
roughhewn from the tribulations wrought by tangled stones
and even though their epitaphs may knit the roots of toil
their hoary fingers scrabble forth to knot within the soil

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viii. if in salt i dream (i die we walk our road) from sea to sky

viii. if in salt i dream (i die we walk our road) from sea to sky

lateautumn ember             sky, to slowly/fast in quietly light/to
lying down
and deep to die. And ’though i never wash i walk close             to the
shower/And how nice, to come any hour,crash through
            office walls through plaster boards

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v. godrevy on the ’rizon

v. godrevy on the ’rizon

In Pedn Olva would that I had the touch
of her with curls raven flow waven descend
She’d sit on the stool gazing out gentlest smile
for crashwhite crests melting undulous laps)
then return to me reverie lashes in deference
to the gravity of we hover before the saltrocks

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iv. bamaluzotachyphrenia

iv. bamaluzotachyphrenia

, all alone in your;                        and It’s
not physical Miserable; it’s your house but your
now’s the small hows in which we are alone; At home

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iii. dog with ball

iii. dog with ball

come two in the coast town quiet or loud
(for on my isthmus softly ebb
sparkling blurs of holiday gents) i emerge
a silhouetted stigma on salted slate

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